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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - route


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~1 n 1 the way from one place to another, especially a way that is regularly used and can be shown on a map + to/from  (What's the best route to Cambridge? | take/follow a route (=use a route))  (We weren't sure about which route we should take.) 2 a road, railway, or imaginary line along which vehicles often travel  (The London-New York route is the busiest. | Is your office on a bus route?) 3 a way of doing something or achieving a particular result  (the surest route to disaster | his route to fame and fortune) 4 Route 66, 54 etc used to show the number of a main road in the US  (Take Route 95 through Connecticut.)  (- see also en route, snow route, trade route) ~2 v to send something or someone using a particular route + through/by  (They had to route the goods through Germany.)  (- see also re­route)
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  (routes, routing, routed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A route is a way from one place to another. ...the most direct route to the town centre... All escape routes were blocked by armed police... N-COUNT 2. A bus, air, or shipping route is the way between two places along which buses, planes, or ships travel regularly. ...the main shipping routes to Japan. N-COUNT: oft supp N 3. In the United States, Route is used in front of a number in the names of main roads between major cities. ...the Broadway-Webster exit on Route 580. N-IN-NAMES: N num 4. Your route is the series of visits you make to different people or places, as part of your job. (mainly AM; in BRIT, usually use round, rounds) He began cracking open big blue tins of butter cookies and feeding the dogs on his route... N-COUNT 5. You can refer to a way of achieving something as a route. Researchers are trying to get at the same information through an indirect route... = road N-COUNT: usu with supp 6. If vehicles, goods, or passengers are routed in a particular direction, they are made to travel in that direction. Double-stack trains are taking a lot of freight that used to be routed via trucks... Approaching cars will be routed into two lanes. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed prep/adv, be V-ed prep/adv 7. En route to a place means on the way to that place. En route is sometimes spelled on route in non-standard English. They have arrived in London en route to the United States... One of the bags was lost en route. PHRASE: oft PHR to/from/for n 8. Journalists sometimes use en route when they are mentioning an event that happened as part of a longer process or before another event. The German set three tournament records and equalled two others en route to grabbing golf’s richest prize. PHRASE: oft PHR to n/-ing 9. If you go the route, you do something fully or continue with a task until you have completely finished. (AM) They have gone the route, in many cases, of just...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French rute, from Vulgar Latin *rupta (via), literally, broken way, from Latin rupta, feminine of ruptus, past participle  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a traveled way ; highway the main ~ north  b. a means of access ; channel the ~ to social mobility — T. F. O'Dea  2. a line of travel ; course  3.  a. an established or selected course of travel or action  b. an assigned territory to be systematically covered a newspaper ~  II. transitive verb  (~d; routing)  Date: 1832  1. to send by a selected ~ ; direct was ~d along the scenic shore road  2. to divert in a specified direction ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Mil. also n. & v. --n. 1 a way or course taken (esp. regularly) in getting from a starting-point to a destination. 2 US a round travelled in delivering, selling, or collecting goods. 3 Mil. archaic marching orders. --v.tr. (routeing) send or forward or direct to be sent by a particular route. Phrases and idioms route man US = ROUNDSMAN 1. route march a training-march for troops. Etymology: ME f. OF r(o)ute road ult. f. L ruptus broken ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) путь; маршрут; трасса прокладывать маршрут; прокладывать трассу 2) технологический маршрут 3) геод. ход 4) направление (связи), тракт (передачи информации) 5) электрон., вчт. трассировка трассировать 6) электрон. разводка; (меж)соединения выполнять [формировать] разводку; прокладывать (меж)соединения to route away — объезжать; пользоваться объездом; to select the flight route — выбирать маршрут полёта - advisory route - air route - air ferry route - alternate route - area navigation route - arrival route - broadcast route - bypass route - canal route - circuitous route - circular route - conflicting route - dead-end route - detour route - direct route - diverging route - diverse route - entrance route - escape route - exit route - feeder line route - first-choice route - floating route - flux handling route - fully provided route - group route - international air route - line route - lock route - loop route - minimum noise route - navigational route - nonconflicting route - overflow route - pipeline route - preferred route - reaction route - released route - shunting route - spillover route - stored route - through route - traffic route - train route - trunk route ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  маршрут; направление дороги; трасса to route around alternative escape routes canal route escape route external escape route floating route pressurized escape route primary route protected escape route ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) путь, маршрут 2) направление связи 3) система связи – actual final route – branch route – broadcast route route – dead-end route – deadlock-free route – direct route – diversity route – emergency routes – fully-provided route – high-usage route – main route – network route – one-hop route – outgoing route – overflow route – poorest acceptance route – primary route – radio route – secondary route – survivable route – theoretical-final route – trunk route ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) маршрут 2) маршрутный 3) намечать маршрут 4) направление связи 5) направлять 6) путь 7) трасса incoming junction route — входящая соединительная линия inward track route — входной маршрут leg of a route — отрезок маршрута outgoing track route — выходной маршрут route bitumen survey — энерг. съемка битумная маршрутная route control interlocking — маршрутная централизация route release circuit — цепь размыкания маршрутов shortest route approach — метод кратчайшего пути - air route - circular route - connection route - emergency route - entrance route - exit route - floating route - line route - local route - main route - major air route - medium-haul route - reserve route - route indicator - route leg - route survey - route switch - route train - short-haul route - shunting route - station route - through route - traffic route ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  кинематическая цепь ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  сущ. маршрут - air route - circuitous route - en route - route chart ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  путь, маршрут – anaplerotic route – central route – dispersal route – flight route – migration route ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. маршрут bus route —- маршрут автобуса 2. путь, курс, трасса the shortest route —- кратчайший путь the great trade routes —- великие торговые пути two-way route —- трасса в двух направлениях (велоспорт) air routes —- воздушные трассы (линии) route award —- разрешение на открытие авиалиний en route —- по пути, по дороге, в пути a stopover in Smolensk en route to Moscow —- остановка в Смоленске по пути в Москву 3. средство, путь a route to peace —- путь к миру, средство для достижения мира 4. воен. приказ на марш to get the route —- получить приказ на марш 5. воен. поход route step —- походный шаг (не в ногу) route column —- походная колонна route formation (order) —- походный порядок route map —- маршрутная карта route march —- походное движение, (походный) марш 6. район доставки, разноски и т. п. a newspaper route —- район доставки газет 7. связ. комп. маршрут (передачи сообщения) Id: all-red route —- воздушная линия, соединяющая Великобританию с ее владениями Id: route sheet —- маршрутная карта технологического процесса 8. отправлять по определенному маршруту we were routed to France by way of Dover —- нас отправили во Францию через Дувр 9. устанавливать маршрут 10. ам. сортировать почту к отправке letters routed via Singapore —- письма, направляемые через Сингапур ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun маршрут, курс, путь, дорога; en route - по пути, по дороге; в пути  2. v.; mil.  1) направлять (по определенному маршруту)  2) распределять ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 12c., from O.Fr. rute, from L. rupta via "a road opened by force," from rupta, fem. pp. of rumpere "to break." Sense of "fixed or regular course for carrying things" (cf. mail route) is 1792, an extension of the meaning "customary path of animals" (1410). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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